I have developed several questionnaires that can be of use in research or to evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes. You are welcome to use them for free for research purposes as outlined below for each questionnaire.
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Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire
I developed this questionnaire to help researchers to measure what happens when we improve our self-awareness. It is focused on the outcomes of self-awareness: the positive changes we experience as well as the difficulties we may encounter as we get to know ourselves better.
Read about the full development of the questionnaire here.
You are welcome to use this questionnaire for free provided you agree to these two conditions:
You will use the SAOQ for non-commercial educational or research purposes only. This means that no one is charging anyone a fee.
You agree to share some of your data with me, detailed below. Data will be added to the SAOQ international database and used for the purpose of further validation
For each sample, please email me the raw test-scores, age, gender, and (if available) occupation, as well as a brief explanation of the sample's size, language and country.
For commercial use and licensing, please contact me directly.
Awareness Outcomes Measure
The AOM was developed from the original SAOQ. It is a self-report, unidimensional, 21-item measure of the positive outcomes of awareness development. It is a robust, psychometrically sound instrument, reliable and consistent across sex, country and age. It includes a transformation table to convert to interval scores, allowing improved precision when evaluating the efficacy of awareness-building interventions.
Read about the full development of the measure here.
You are welcome to use this questionnaire for free provided you agree to these two conditions:
You will use the AOM for non-commercial educational or research purposes only. This means that no one is charging anyone a fee.
You agree to share some of your data with me, detailed below. Data will be added to the AOM international database and used for the purpose of further validation
For each sample, please email me the raw test-scores, age, gender, and (if available) occupation, as well as a brief explanation of the sample's size, language and country.
For commercial use and licensing, please contact me directly.
Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (Work)
The TriPM(Work) is an adaptation of Patrick's widely used Triarchic Psychopathy Measure that is particularly useful for workplace applications. It is short, measures the three psychopathic traits of boldness, meanness and disinhibition and has equivalent self- and other-report versions.
The full TriPM items and scoring information is available here and the paper describing the development of the TriPM(Work) is here.
Please note, we did not develop the original items in this measure and any requests for commercial use should be directed to the original author of the TriPM, Prof Chris Patrick.