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Organisational Psychology 2023 students

Mia Wild

Bodies by Drowning Pool was very stressful to listen to, so how interesting that this week’s topics are stress and wellbeing. My fight or flight response instantly kicked in when this song began to play. Characterised by a subjective and arousing experience, stress is probably the best way to explain this entire song. The lyric: “Let the bodies hit the floor” was repeated 27 times. I counted. You can take this lyric as you please, but in my eyes, it certainly describes a lot of workplaces who do not place emphasis on positive stress management and wellbeing care. We know that organisations can do a lot to help employees manage their stress and wellbeing while at work, such as primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions. But workplaces often stick to curing the problem, rather than preventing AND curing stress, furthermore, we know that focusing on curing and prevention is much cheaper! So the lyric “let the bodies hit the floor” reiterates the feeling of employees who are stressed and likely have a poor wellbeing from the stress, moreover, how they cannot cope and simply become burnt out. Overall, the song itself represents stress, it is literally 131BPM, so here is a fair warning: do not listen with headphones.


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