Hunter Ludlum
Why I do not want Emmet from the Lego movie on my team: As shown in the song "Everything is Awesome", Emmet is inept at working with others. You can see this in the music video by him breaking everything at the construction site where he works and his team members getting frustrated with him and hitting him with a cactus. This shows he lacks the specific KSAs (knowledge, skills and ability) required for efficient and effective teamwork (Stevens & Campion, 1999). Being hit by the cactus demonstrates that he causes conflict and creates problems, which is the opposite of what teamwork attempts to achieve. So maybe, the song's main line of "Everything is cool when you're part of a team" may not be true if you were working with someone like Emmet.
Madi Stocker
The LEGO Movie's "Everything is Awesome" is a piece of in-universe corporate propaganda. Whilst the upbeat song presents employees as individuals "living the dream", the film's protagonist Emmet is treated as just another cog in the machine. The lyrics "Everything is cool when you're part of a team" relates to West and Lyubobnikova (2012)'s concept of pseudo teams. The workforce from the song are described as one unanimous team, making it seem like they are all individuals working towards the same goal. In actuality, the term "team" is used to wipe out the individuality of the employees, treating them as a faceless monolith. "Everything you see or think or say is awesome" - including predatory workplace tactics, apparently.